I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief. 我特别憎恨那种在人家伤心透顶的时候还在传播的谣言。
The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate. 栽种冬春季节开花的鳞茎植物可以在大多数花园看上去还比较萧索的时候提供多彩的装点。
Add the cream a few drops at a time 每次加几滴奶油。
Blend in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each one. 一次一个地掺入鸡蛋,每放一个都充分打匀。
Customers are drawing in their horns at a time of high interest rates. 消费者在高利率时期都在紧缩开支。
He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake. 他也许觉得,在他认为大有可为的时候让公司借贷经营是一个错误。
For months at a time, air raids were a nightly occurrence. 一度有几个月,每天晚上都会发生空袭。
He was able to spend only a few days at a time on the island 他每次去岛上都只能呆几天。
He does not paint for very long on any one painting, perhaps for two and a half hours at a time 他每幅画不会画很长时间,一次大概画两个半小时。
You can check your program one command at a time while it's running. 你可以在程序运行期间,逐条输入命令以对程序进行检查。
The boats remain at sea for an average of ten days at a time 这些船只每次在海上平均航行10天。
You can attack this problem from many angles, but let's take one thing at a time 这个问题可以从多个角度解决,不过,还是让我们逐个分析吧。
Niccolini was thundering up the stairs, taking them two at a time 尼科利尼一步两个台阶地噔噔跑上楼。
Beat in the eggs, one at a time 打入鸡蛋,一次一个。
She ran for the staircase and down the steps, taking them two at a time 她跑向楼梯,一步两级地奔下台阶。
Do you sometimes find that you are doing very little physical exercise for several weeks at a time? 你有时会不会发现自己一连几个星期都没怎么锻炼过?
This restaurant can accommodate two hundred people at a time. 这家餐馆可供200人同时用餐。
Why do you choose to ask him questions at a time when he is unhappy? 你怎么单在他不高兴的时候问他问题?
Can I borrow two books at a time? 我可以一次借两本书吗?
Speak one at a time. Don't make such a row. 一个一个说,别瞎(乱)吵吵。
She brought her children into the world at a time when obstetrics was a primitive art. 她生孩子的时候,产科学还是一门原始医术。
Many alcoholics go on drinking sprees that continue for days at a time. 许多酒鬼一次要狂饮好几天。
He tore up the stairs two steps at a time. 他一步两个台阶地飞奔跑上楼。
Speak one at a time and don't shout. 一个一个说,别吵吵。
Don't crowd in on me. I will see your books one at a time. 不要都围着我,你们的书我只能一次看一本。
Only one person at a time is allowed to get on the horse. 一次只准一个人骑到马上去。
He carried on several occupations at a time. 他同时从事几种职业。
We'll master the language a bit at a time. 我们会一步一步地掌握这门语言。
One at a time? 是一次一个吗?
Now you can move one character at a time. 现在,您可以一次移动一个字符。